Adam Andre, Summer 2017

Friday, Oct 13, 2017

Adam Andre, Museum of International Folk Art, Summer 2017

I interned at the Museum of International Folk Art (MOIFA) in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. MOIFA is home to one of the most impressive collections of over 135,000 pieces of folk art, and is also the site of the Bartlett Library and Archives, a required destination for folk art scholars and researchers. The Bartlett Archives hold a treasure of moving images that document folk art and artists from around the world. These materials also track the storied history of the museum. My work included performing an inventory of the entire moving image collections. This inventory helped the archivist select the most important and delicate items for digitization. I also created digital ingest procedures for video and implemented file editing and conversion software that best fit the museum's digital infrastructure. My hope is that during my short time at MOIFA, my contributions will help streamline the archival storage processes and ease the transition into the digital age.

Museum of International Folk Art

Museum of International Folk Art

Museum of International Folk Art

Museum of International Folk Art