John Dieringer, Summer 2013

Wednesday, Sep 18, 2013

Jon Dieringer, Electronic Arts Intermix, Summer 2013

At Electronic Arts Intermixed, I focused my efforts on the distributor's forthcoming Educational Streaming Service, an online resource that will make the entire catalog available to subscribing institutions. The collection, perhaps the greatest of its kind, comprises over 3,500 works ranging from the birth of the medium to present-day. Based on my skills and previous experience, I was entrusted with a great deal of responsibility. This included project budgeting, negotiating with vendors, working with artists on the presentation of their work, and completing self-directed research into the burgeoning field of streaming video. In the process, I encountered virtually every moving image format imaginable, from film to 3/4" video to DCP. Aside from these responsibilities, I contributed to an NEA Preservation Grant; had a wide range of institutional experience including meeting curators and conservators from The Whitney Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, The Smithsonian, The Philadelphia Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum; and consulted with a pioneering artist about preservation of early works shot on film.

Jon Dieringer at Electronic Arts Intermix

Jon Dieringer at Electronic Arts Intermix

Jon Dieringer at Electronic Arts Intermix

Jon Dieringer at Electronic Arts Intermix