Michelle Krause, Fall 2015

Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

Michelle Krause, Jewish Museum, Fall 2015, NEH

During the fall of 2015 I interned with The Jewish Museum under the supervision of Jaron Gandelman, Curatorial Assistant for Media at the museum. Throughout my internship, I cataloged and assessed audiovisual materials from The Jewish Museum’s National Jewish Archive of Broadcasting (NJAB), which collects and preserves television and radio programs specifically associated with the Jewish experience. These materials consist of broadcast media that reflect the global Jewish experience, ultimately highlighting Jewish culture and Jewish identity. I had the opportunity to work with a broad array of collection formats, such as lacquer discs, 1/4" open reel audiotapes, U-matic tapes, DVDs, VHS tapes, Betacam tapes, and 16mm film) as well as determining whether or not NJAB’s materials were original/unique.