Gay Abel-Bey
Academic Director; Associate Chairperson; Distinguished Teacher

Gay Abel-Bey first started teaching scriptwriting and production while still a graduate student at UCLA's Film & Television Department. As a teaching assistant she taught Remote Television Workshop with Robert Trachinger, former V.P. at KABC, and Sports Broadcasting & Intermediate Television Production with Professor Arthur Friedman. While still at UCLA Ms. Abel-Bey produced and directed an instructional video for television lighting with Leslie Zak, Television Lighting Director for ABC, and another lighting seminar for film with guest lecturer Conrad Hall, Industry Cinematographer. She went on to produce three more instructional videos retained at the UCLA Archives.
She pitched and packaged a program of student films for two consecutive years for the prestigious local film festival, FILMEX and later enjoyed co-hosting a retrospective for The National Film School of London showcase sponsored by UCLA Film School with Program Chairman, Colin Young.
Earning a Los Angeles District teaching certificate before matriculating from UCLA Ms. Abel-Bey developed a community based documentary workshop for local 'at risk' Los Angeles teenagers through California State, Los Angeles' then media department. Ms. Abel-Bey continued teaching through out her tenure at UCLA creating a writers' workshop at Southwestern Community College developing scripts from student diaries.
After winning The Dorothy Arzner Award for high recognition of a dramatic piece by a woman director, with her thesis film, Fragrance, Ms. Abel-Bey focused on script doctoring, grant writing, production management, and producing for several independent productions: Father & Son, A Sony Innovator Award recipient, Running 4 My Life and When It's Your Turn, produced for WPVI-TV, Philadelphia; Stone Cold Hustler produced for I.A.T.S.E., winning an local Emmy in Washington, D.C. for the "Drug Free School Zone" campaign, and Kiss Grandmother Goodbye.
Joining the teaching staff at NYU in 1995 with the graduate department of Film & Television Division teaching screenwriting and advising thesis productions, Gay Abel-Bey moved down to the Undergraduate Division of Film & Television full time.
Pre-Production Colloquium
Color Sync Workshop
Narrative Workshop
Storytelling Strategies
Academic Adviser