Vito Adriaensens
Assistant Professor

Vito Adriaensens is a Belgian filmmaker and scholar. He holds a BA, MA, and PhD from the University of Antwerp and an MFA from the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema. Vito has taught at the University of Antwerp, Ghent University, the VU University in Amsterdam, the Université libre de Bruxelles, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Copenhagen and the Danish Film Institute. He most recently taught film at Columbia University.
Vito is a co-author of “Screening Statues: Sculpture and Cinema” and the author of “Velvet Curtains and Gilded Frames: The Art of Early European Cinema.” He is currently finishing a book on Benjamin Christensen’s 1922 silent film “Häxan” for the British Film Institute; editing the scholarly volume “The Tableau Vivant: From Living Pictures to Moving Images” for Edinburgh University Press; and writing “From New Stagecraft to New Cinema: Silent Film Performs the Avant-Garde” for Amsterdam University Press.
Vito works mainly on celluloid and teaches filmmaking at Brooklyn cinema-arts non-profit Mono No Aware. His experimental short films have exhibited and screened internationally and his first feature is the Metamorphoses-inspired, 35mm anthology film “Ovid, New York.”
Area Head for History and Criticism
Associate Faculty - Cinema Studies
Frame and Sequence
Intermediate Experimental Production
Advanced Experimental Production
BA, English, Film, and Theatre Studies, University of Antwerp
MA, Film and Theatre Studies, University of Antwerp
PhD, Theatre Studies and Intermediality, University of Antwerp
MFA, Cinema Arts - Directing, Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema (Brooklyn College)