Spring at Tisch - Theatre Production and Design

Set the Scene: Conservatory-style training in theatre production and design for the performing arts.

To pursue a career in the design and production areas of the performing arts, you will need a specialized set of skills, techniques, and experience.

The Theater Production and Design track, offered in collaboration with the Production and Design Studio of the Department of Undergraduate Drama, offers opportunities for you, student designers and stage managers, to hone your skills in drafting, drawing, computer-aided design/drafting (CAD), model making, cutting and draping. You will gain hands-on production experience while taking a suite of courses tailored to your concentration and experience. There is also an opportunity to work on at least two Drama Department spring productions, serving as crew and/or assistant designer. Advanced students may have the opportunity to design smaller-scale student productions as well.

How do we create theatre without attending theatre? You will attend a variety of professional productions in New York City through one of the theater-going theatre studies courses, Theatre in New York or Downtown Theatre.

Students seated on risers, mid-performance, with a projection of the Statue of Liberty in the background

Spring 2022 production of 'Amrika'
Photo by Justin Chauncy

Program Overview

You will register for a full-time, spring semester consisting of 12-18 units. Your course load includes your core curriculum of 4-8 units and additional companion courses.


Core Curriculum

Students will take up to two core courses: a Theatre Production and Design Level I course (4 units) and/or a Theatre Production and Design Level II course (4 units). Courses may include Scenic Design, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design and Management, Advanced Drafting, Vectorworks, or Figure Drawing. We will work with you and the Department of Undergraduate Drama Theatre Production and Design Studio to select courses that are best suited to your background and help you reach your goals. You will be placed in classes based on your portfolio review and academic progress.

Companion Courses

Learn more about companion courses

Students are responsible for getting courses taken through Spring at Tisch credited to their degree program at their home college or university.

Actress lunging forward on stage, mid-performance, lit with red light and theatrical smoke

Fall 2018 Festival of Voices Tisch Drama Stage Works
Photo by Justin Chauncy



Spring 2025

January 21 - May 6, 2025

Additional important dates are available on the Tisch Admissions Calendar.

Performer sings into a mic on stage with other actors dancing in the background. All performers are wearing colorful casual clothing.

Fall 2022 production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Photo by Justin Chauncy


The spring 2025 application is closed.

The Spring at Tisch Theatre Production and Design track is open to full-time matriculated undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors from other colleges and universities.

Prerequisite: You must have some prior coursework/experience (Fundamental Technical Theatre, Design, or Stage Management or equivalent); experience in painting, drawing and/or drafting; or college-leve production experience.

You must not be on academic or disciplinary probation. 

*Students who are on a leave of absence at the time of their application must have a representative of their school (e.g. an academic advisor) state via e-mail to tisch.special.admissions@nyu.edu that they are presently on good academic and disciplinary standing with their school.

*Students taking a gap year in-between high school and college are not eligible. 

Please review the full application requirements before starting your application.

Effective May 2023, NYU no longer requires COVID-19 vaccinations. However, staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations, including booster shots, remains strongly recommended for the health and safety of the student and the campus community—and students are welcome to wear masks anytime they choose. More information about COVID-19 protocols at NYU, including updates, is available on the NYU COVID-19 Information website.

Tuition and Fees

Spring 2025

  • Visiting Student Full-time Tuition, 12-18 units flat rate, per term: $31,398

Please review the Tisch Special Programs cancellation policy.

Visit the NYU Office of the Bursar for more information on tuition and fees.

Financial Aid and Bursar Information

Tisch does not have direct scholarships for visiting students. We do encourage visiting students to consult with their home institutions about portable financial assistance such as Pell Grants, Stafford Loans, and educational PLUS loans. The student's home institution processes these loans, which are typically applied to their NYU program via a consortium agreement. This agreement is initiated by the student at his or her home school's financial aid office, which in turn forwards the consortium form to New York University, Office of Financial Aid, 25 West Fourth Street, New York, NY 10012-1119. The Office of Financial Aid can be reached at (212) 998-4444. NYU's Office of Financial Aid then confirms the student's acceptance to the program, registration, and the costs of attendance, and returns the agreement to the home institution.

To initiate the financial aid process through the use of consortium agreements, payment should be made by your home school via third-party payment. Please review the NYU Bursar website for information regarding steps on how to initiate and submit third-party payments here.

To determine the amount and type of aid available, the home institution compares the costs of attending with the student's individual financial circumstances. We encourage students seeking aid to begin the financial aid process with their home school immediately after being notified of acceptance as the steps involved take a great deal of time. 

There may be additional fees depending on the courses you register for. These may include, but are not limited to, lab, insurance, and projection fees.

Housing and Meal Plans

For spring 2025, on-campus housing is not available. Students must seek their own accommodations off-campus.

Health Insurance

All eligible registered Spring at Tisch students must maintain health insurance comparable to the NYU-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan. International students are automatically enrolled in the NYU-sponsored Student Health Insurance Comprehensive Plan, unless students complete the online enrollment/waiver process before the semester deadline to either maintain other insurance coverage that meets the University's criteria, or to downgrade to the Basic Plan. For additional information on health insurance costs and regulations, please contact the Student Health Insurance Services Office located at 726 Broadway, New York, NY 10003-9580; telephone: (212) 443-1020; http://www.nyu.edu/shc/about/insurance.html