PS Ph.D. Candidate Zac Easterling discusses published work at book launch and roundtable event

Wednesday, Nov 15, 2023

Image of Zac Esterling and Nolan Hanson

Zac Easterling and Nolan Hanson

Performance Studies Ph.D. candidate, Zac Easterling, has co-authored a chapter that will appear in the upcoming edition of Boxing, Narrative and Cultlure: Cricial Perspectives. To celebrate the launch, join Zac and co-author Nolan Hanson, for a virutal book launch and online roundtable!

Boxing, Narrative and Culture: Critical Perspectives is the first interdisciplinary response to the dominant boxing narratives that are produced, performed, and circulated in commercial boxing culture. This collection includes global perspectives on boxing. It highlights the diverse range of bodies and communities that engage with boxing practices but are oftentimes overlooked and overwritten by popular narrative tropes and misconceptions of the sport. These interdisciplinary and global perspectives engage with boxing’s shared narrative resources, offering new readings and insights on how and what boxing performs and for whom. The contributors to this collection are academics, artists, amateur boxers, and/or coaches who provide a culture critique of boxing. The work shows how boxing practices are performed and channelled by individuals and communities who access and utilise boxing culture as a means of physical enquiry, political statement, and community building. These contributions challenge the notion that boxing is a sport reserved for masculine bodies adorned as heroes, warriors, or victims of the sport.

Join the authors and editors for this roundtable discussion, which will look at boxing through the lens of socio-cultural studies including gender, race, community, media, and performance.. To reserve a spot, please book via the this link. This is an online event scheduled for Monday 20th November 2023, 15:00pm - 17:00pm GMT/10:00am - 12:00pm EST.