Cy Delgado
Performance Studies Ph.D. Candidate Cy Delgado has been awarded a GSAS Dean's Dissertation Fellowship for her dissertation titled, "Staging the Interstice: Countercartographies of Trans- Performance in Contemporary Mexico City".
Cy says of her dissertation, "My dissertation analyzes the relationship between urban space and trans- embodiment through interstitial locations in Mexico City – such as the subway, prison, cabaret and rooftop – to offer alternative maps of the city. Specifically, I look to the work of performance artist Lia García, musician La Bruja de Texcoco, actress Roshell Terranova and filmmaker Camila José Donoso. Mapping liminal spaces helps me think about the spatial politics of the performative interventions that queer and trans- artists make in the normative structures that govern the performance of the gendered and racialized body, urban politics, and the separation of art and life."
Congratulations Cy!