Adham Hafez in rehearsal at La MaMa. Photo by Mike McCormack
Performance Studies Ph.D. Candidate Adham Hafez's latest work "TO CATCH A TERRORIST", premieres at La MaMa ETC., at the Ellen Stewart Hall on May 12th at 7pm, May 13th at 4pm. Followed by a discussion together with Associate Professor Karen Shimakawa.
"To Catch A Terrorist" is a work that looks at the disciplining of bodies, the formation of borders, and the instrumentalization of fear. Based on American court transcripts documenting the first Arab and Muslim naturalization cases, this production stages these early 20th century documents for the first time, collapsing the historical distance between the past and today. The production looks at how the “performance” of law creates categories of being, tiers of citizenship, and classes of humanity. Through inquiries that rangefrom interviews with people at borders to reconstructions of exorcist rituals, "To Catch A Terrorist" investigates planes of vision and visibility in relation to the emergence of non-Western subjects in public discourse.
NYU students can use code NYU15 at checkout for discounted tickets!