Book launch! The Florida Room by Associate Professor Alexandra Vazquez

Join the Department of Performance Studies as we celebrate Associate Professor Alexandra Vazquez and the launch of her new book, The Florida Room with a panel of speakers reflecting on the work.
Mary Pat Brady teaches Latinx Studies and Children’s Literature at Cornell University and her new book, Scales of Captivity: Racial Capitalism and the Latinx Child, has just been released by Duke University Press. Brady is also the author of Extinct Lands, Temporal Geographies: Chicana Literature and the Urgency of Space (Duke University Press, 2002), which was awarded the Modern Language Association’s Prize for the Best Work of Latina/o and Chicana/o Literary and Cultural Criticism. She is also an associate editor of the sixth and seventh editions of the Heath Anthology of American Literature (Cengage) and is the editor of the 10 volume Gale Guide to 20th and 21st Century American Literature. An earlier essay, “The Contrapuntal Geographies of Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories” (published in American Literature in 1999) won the Norman Foerster Prize for the best essay published in that journal for 1999.
Daphne A. Brooks is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of African American Studies, American Studies, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and Music at Yale University. She is the author of Bodies in Dissent: Spectacular Performances of Race and Freedom, 1850-1910, winner of The Errol Hill Award for Outstanding Scholarship on African American Performance from ASTR and Jeff Buckley’s Grace. Her most recent book, Liner Notes for the Revolution: The Intellectual Life of Black Feminist Sound (Harvard UP, 2021) is the winner of the 2021 Museum of African American History Stone Book Award, the 2021 Pen Oakland Josephine Miles Award for Nonfiction, and the 2022 Prose Award in Music & the Performing Arts . She has written liner notes to accompany the recordings of Aretha Franklin, Tammi Terrell, Prince, and Nina Simone as well as stories for the New York Times, The Guardian, The Nation, and Pitchfork.
Antonio López is an Associate Professor of English at George Washington University, where he teaches Latinx, Caribbean, and American literatures and cultures. He is the author of Unbecoming Blackness: The Diaspora Cultures of Afro-Cuban America.
Fred Moten is a Professor of Performance Studies at Tisch School of the Arts. Moten researches and teaches on black studies, performance studies, poetics, and critical theory. He is a highly acclaimed writer with publications that include In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition, Hughson’s Tavern, B. Jenkins, The Feel Trio, The Little Edges, The Service Porch, and All that Beauty. He also released a three-volume collection of essays whose general title is consent not to be a single being. Moten has co-authored The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning and Black Study, Poetics of the Undercommons and Who touched me? He has served on the editorial boards of Callaloo, Discourse, American Quarterly and Social Text, as a member of the Critical Theory Institute at the University of California, Irvine, the board of directors of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at City University of New York, and on the advisory board of Issues in Critical Investigation at Vanderbilt University. He is also named a 2020 MacArthur Fellow Genius Grant recipient.
Shane Vogel (he/him) is Professor of English and African American Studies at Yale University. His research and teaching interests include performance studies, dramatic literature, theater history, aesthetic theory, queer studies, African American literature and performance, Black existentialism, and the Harlem Renaissance. He is the author of The Scene of Harlem Cabaret: Race, Sexuality, Performance (University of Chicago Press, 2009); Stolen Time: Black Fad Performance and the Calypso Craze (University of Chicago, 2018; winner of the John W. Frick Prize from the American Theater and Drama Society); and co-editor, with Soyica Diggs Colbert and Douglas A. Jones, Jr., of Race and Performance after Repetition (Duke University Press, 2020). He is also co-editor, with Uri McMillan and Sandra Ruiz, of the NYU Press book series Minoritarian Aesthetics. His work has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, and the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry at Emory University. He is a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Popular Music Studies and jml: Journal of Modern Literature. Prior to arriving at Yale he was Ruth N. Halls Professor of English and Director of the Cultural Studies Program at Indiana University.