PS Assembly: On Craft with Professor Browning

PS Assembly: On Craft with Professor Browning

This spring we will be offering a series of bi-monthly, optional get-togethers for all students and faculty in the department. Each session will be loosely grounded in a topic that helps us to imagine how performance studies works and works for a dynamic set of projects and practices. The series will be run by alternating members of the faculty who will briefly introduce each session and then facilitate discussion for the group. The assemblies will offer opportunities to come together--across the ranks and in a more informal setting--to discuss how we can approach a project, or an object, or a problem; how we research it; how we put our ideas together; how we communicate those ideas, etc. The sessions aren’t focused exclusively on academic/scholarly or traditional definitions of "work," but will focus nonetheless on *how* we do that thing that constitutes the work we do -- what "performance studies" is/does/can be.