Dance Colloquium - a non-choreographed get-together


This is an invitation for everyone interested in thinking and reflecting and practicing dance, movement, and choreography to gather for the first meeting of the PS Spring Dance Colloquium. In our first meeting, we will discuss and decide what we may want to explore/read/watch/practice/discuss in our next 3 meetings during the semester. As a warm-up for our first gathering, I propose we read in advance two short texts: “Rhythmanalysis,” by Henri Lefebvre, and “Bill T Jones’ 'Floating the Tongue’,” by Barbara Browning. The texts are just a way for us to start our conversations, so we can then begin unfolding lines of inquiry as we move along. We may decide to simply watch dances together, or explore some terms and concepts close to dance practice — like: discipline, improvisation, embodiment, studio, training, notation, spontaneity, repetition, becoming, etc. 

RSVP to the event to recieve the readings. 

This session is hosted my Professor André Lepecki.