Graduate Information Sessions

Graduate Information Sessions

Graduate Information Sessions

The Faculty and Administration of the Department of Performance Studies host graduate information sessions throughout the academic year to help support our students.  Some sessions are specific to students who may be at a particular point in their degree program-others are general information sessions. All sessions are only open to students matriculating in a PS program.

Spring 2025

Syllabus Writing Workshop | January 29th

When:Wednesday, January 29th. 10:30AM  - 12:PM

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP HERE

Who: Michelle Castañeda

What: In this session we'll share some basic principles for composing your own syllabus. We'll focus on how to work backwards from a central learning objective so that all the readings and assignments build toward particular content areas and skills. After explaining some principles and debates in syllabus design, we will workshop participants' potential class topics and brainstorm ideas for syllabus structure and assignments. The idea is to appreciate the great variety of possibilities, rather than a one-size-fits-all model.

Classroom Strategies | February 5th

When:Wednesday, February 5th, 10:30AM  - 12:PM

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP HERE

Who: Karen Shimakawa

What: In this session we'll talk about how to develop your own teaching style, share tips and tricks for leading a discussion, managing classroom dynamics, and other things you can do to create a generative learning experience for everyone.    

Life After PS - Teaching Jobs | February 26th

When:Wednesday, February 26th, 10:30AM  - 12:PM

Where: NYU Zoom & In person in Room 612 - RSVP HERE

Who: Fred Moten & PS Alum Hypatia Vourloumis 

What: Hypatia Vourloumis will be in conversation with Fred Moten on Life after PS. They will discuss alternative paths in and out of traditional university teaching, old and new models of commune and exodus, and will consider also what study is for and what study can do in a time of genocide, ecological disaster, and existential threat to difference, beauty, and subsistence.

Life After PS - Research and Arts Organizations | March 5th

When:Wednesday, March 5th, 10:30AM  - 12:PM

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP HERE

Who: Karen Shimakawa & PS Alum Joshua Lubin-Levy

What: Joshua Lubin-Levy is the Director of the Center for the Arts at Wesleyan University and the Editor-in-Chief of the Movement Research Performance Journal. He received his doctorate from the Department of Performance Studies, New York University (2020). He recently served as Curatorial Researcher Associate on the exhibition “Edges of Ailey” for the Whitney Museum. He previously held positions as Associate Director of the Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance,  Senior Joan Tisch Teaching Fellow at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and Interim Director of Visual Arts at Abrons Arts Center, as well as teaching at multiple universities.

His workshop will provide an open forum for discussing career paths in the arts, pivoting in and out of academia, and the importance of knowing your “transferrable skills.” This workshop is an open forum for students to ask questions, bring ideas, and work through application materials. Students are encouraged to bring in working drafts of their CVs and Cover Letters for discussion.

Life After PS - The Power of Change and Transition - How to create possibilities when the path is unclear | March 12th

When:Wednesday, March 12th, 10:30AM  - 12:00PM

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP HERE

Who: Karen Shimakawa & PS Alum Naomi Vladeck

What: Join us for this workshop with PS Alum Naomi Vladeck, Speaker, Author and Life Coach for Artists and Creators. Naomi is an award-winning author of "Braving Creativity, Artists Who Turn the Scary, Thrilling, Messy Path of Change into Courageous Transformation.” Attend this workshop to learn strategies and ways to navigate transition when pursuing a creative career. 

Publishing in Academic Journals and Arts Magazines | April 16th

When:Wednesday, April 16th, 10:30AM  - 12:PM

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP HERE

Who: Jeannine Tang

What: Join us for an info session with Professor Jeannine Tang to learn the nuts and bolts of publishing in academic journals and arts magazines. Jeannine will discuss some of the major journals in our field, how to find submission information, when to reach out to editors, and other tips. 

Fall 2024 Calendar

International Student Welcome | Sept. 11th

When: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 2:00 - 3:30 pm 

Where: Zoom - RSVP link 

Who: André Lepecki

What: Please join Professor André Lepecki for a get-together on Wednesday, September 1tth. Whether you are a B.A., an M.A., or a Ph.D. candidate; whether you are a first-year student, a seasoned ABD, new in the US, or an immigrant for a while, as long as you are an international student come meet your PS peers and share your experiences, puzzlements, questions, or simply your stories. This gathering will not be an official “orientation,” nor another “official welcome” — but simply an occasion for us all to assemble informally and get to know each other a bit better. Or, to paraphrase David Bowie, let's share together the joy of “believing the strangest things, loving the alien”! 

Applying to Fellowships: Part 1 | September 13th

When: Friday, September 13th, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm 

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP 

Who: Diana Taylor

What: Join this graduate info session hosted by Professor Diana Taylor learn about applying for fellowships. We will discuss tips for writing applications, and go over some of the main national, NYU, and external grants available to PS students for field research and dissertation writing.

For this workshop bring a two sentence summary of the project you’re trying to fund, and identify 2 or 3 sources that might fund it. We will work on developing a pitch for a fellowship/grant. 

This session is for Ph.D. Students only.  

Please note there will be a part 2 of this workshop on November 8th. 

Tisch Office of Career Development Services| Sept. 27th

When: Friday, September 27th, 11:00 am - 12pm 

Where: NYU Zoom

Who: Lily Hung, Director of the Tisch Office of Career Development

The Tisch Office of Career Development empowers artists and cultural innovators in their transition from classroom to career by facilitating the development of career skills and industry knowledge essential for success at all stages of their professional lives. Through educational programming, counseling, and career-related resources, TOCD takes a comprehensive approach in its support of students and alumni, understanding that a life in the arts is multi-faceted.

During this session Lily Hung will give an overview of TOCD's services followed by a workshop on internship/job application strategies and then open up the session to a general Q&A. 

Applying to Ph.D. Programs | Oct 4th

When: Friday, October 4th 10:00am -11:00am        

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP 

Who: Michelle Castañeda and Karen Shimakawa 

Join us for a discussion with about applying to Ph.D. programs. Professor Shimakawa  and Professor Castañeda will go over the strengths of particular programs, the nuts and bolts of the application process, and what goes into a strong Ph.D. application.

Applying to/ Presenting at Academic Conferences | Oct 25th

When:Friday, October 25th 10:00am - 11:30am

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP

Who: Karen Shimakawa

During this session Karen Shimakawa will cover some tips and tricks on conference presenting, including: the conference abstract, title, what makes a good conference paper (as distinct from a seminar paper/article), tips on presenting the paper, how to navigate Q&A, etc., and other aspects of conferencing, how to make the most of the experience.


Applying to Fellowships: Part 2 | Nov. 8th

When: Friday, November 8th, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm 

Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP 

Who: Diana Taylor

What: This part 2 of the workshop will dive deeper into developing pitches and grant applications. Attendees of this workshop should have attended part 1 in September 2024. 

By Wednesday November 6th please send Professor Diana Taylor a more developed draft of your pitch, flesh out as much as possible, and include the details of the funding sources you intend to apply for. 

This workshop is for Ph.D. students only.