Why study performance studies abroad in Madrid?
NYU offers undergraduates unparalleled international opportunities. Benefits of the PS @ Madrid program include:
- Adding depth to your degree: Studying abroad in Madrid can be an incredibly rewarding experience that provides academic, cultural and personal experience beyond the classroom. Study abroad provides the opportunity to learn a variety of subjects in more depth and from different cultural perspectives. Outside of the classroom, your personal education is enhanced through regular interaction with locals in the host-country culture.
- Achieving proficiency in a foreign language: Study abroad provides the strongest language classroom for becoming proficient in a foreign language. The real-world setting of a foreign country allows students to go beyond the grammar and vocabulary studies from their New York classrooms.
- Experiencing personal growth: Study abroad is a challenging adventure, academically and personally. Students who return from abroad consistently report that they developed a greater sense of independence and confidence in their capabilities.
- Developing valuable career skills: Students who study abroad often develop career skills that make them especially marketable, including:
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Independence and self-confidence
- Teamwork and communication
- Motivation and leadership
- Flexibility and adaptability
- Creativity
- An expanded worldview