PS @ Madrid

Outside of Museum

Explore Madrid with PS!

Performance Studies majors are encouraged to complete at least one semester of study away from the Washington Square campus at NYU Madrid! PS Minors are also encouraged to study abroad for at least one semester. The PS @ Madrid program is offered each fall semester, and first-year students are encouraged to apply by February of their first year to study away during the fall semester of their sophomore year. At NYU Madrid, Performance Studies majors are required to or enroll in "Performance of the City: Madrid." 

At the historical crossroads of Europe, Africa and the Americas, Spain is a culturally diverse nation comprised of 17 autonomous communities that proudly proclaim unique identities. A modern, cosmopolitan city, Madrid, Spain’s capital, is located in the center of the Iberian peninsula and is a convenient point of departure from which to explore the entire country. Madrid is also an important center for contemporary cultural production in dance, film, theater and the visual arts.

Why study performance studies abroad in Madrid?

NYU offers undergraduates unparalleled international opportunities. Benefits of the PS @ Madrid program include:

  • Adding depth to your degree: Studying abroad in Madrid can be an incredibly rewarding experience that provides academic, cultural and personal experience beyond the classroom. Study abroad provides the opportunity to learn a variety of subjects in more depth and from different cultural perspectives. Outside of the classroom, your personal education is enhanced through regular interaction with locals in the host-country culture.
  • Achieving proficiency in a foreign language: Study abroad provides the strongest language classroom for becoming proficient in a foreign language. The real-world setting of a foreign country allows students to go beyond the grammar and vocabulary studies from their New York classrooms.
  • Experiencing personal growth: Study abroad is a challenging adventure, academically and personally. Students who return from abroad consistently report that they developed a greater sense of independence and confidence in their capabilities. 
  • Developing valuable career skills: Students who study abroad often develop career skills that make them especially marketable, including: 
    • Critical thinking and problem solving
    • Independence and self-confidence
    • Teamwork and communication
    • Motivation and leadership
    • Flexibility and adaptability
    • Creativity
    • An expanded worldview 

Madrid Course Offerings 

Performance Studies majors and minors can choose courses offered by Performance Studies, the Core General Education Curriculum, and minor or double major departments all while satisfying a portion of the foreign language requirement (Spanish language course). Students can also opt to explore elective coursework. All courses will count toward your degree. 


Required Courses for PS Majors/Minors: 

  1. Performance of the City: Madrid, 4 credits (Performance Studies Core Major Requirement)
    • A founding tenet of the Performance Studies field is the significance of the site where performance takes place–including its metropolitan environment. This course serves to introduce students to the many performance cultures of Madrid and to the ways in which its unique urban environment, its many histories, cultures, sub-cultures, and multi-cultures are staged and performed by the city’s residents, migrants, and visitors. The class will take Madrid itself as its main “performance” to analyze – by exploring the city’s past and present, its significant live art venues, and the varied public spaces where the population gathers in a collective spectacle of social relations. Readings in urban performance studies will be supplemented by class trips to all sorts of live events: from flamenco to skateboarding ramps, from public parades and religious processions to experimental theater and dance, from jazz to tourism performance, from small art galleries to its grand museums.
  1. Spanish Language Course, 4 credits (Language Requirement)
    • All students are required to take a Spanish language course (or course taught in Spanish) for graded credit.

Additional Courses:

  1. College Core Curriculum Course:
    • Students can satisfy various general education requirements (i.e. Expressive Cultures, Cultures & Contexts, etc.). For full list of Core courses and approved substitutions, see here. 
  1. Minor/Double Major Course:
    • Review full course listings before meeting with a minor/double major advisor to discuss Madrid course registration. 
  1. Elective Course:
    • Elective coursework may be taken for pass/fail credit.
  1. Internship Seminar Fieldwork:
    • Proficiency of at least Intermediate Spanish II is required for enrollment in this course.

Where else can I study abroad?

While Performance Studies has a program in Madrid specifically developed for our majors, there are so many other places you can study! Take a look at these other opportunites to study in dozens of cities across the world to fulfill requirments for your minor or second major.

Tisch Study Away - is run by the Tisch Office of Special Programs and they have special programs tailored for Tisch students. 

NYU Global Programs - The Office of Global Programs oversees the 15 different global sites where NYU has their own campuses where students can apply to study.

Application Deadlines

You should submit your electronic application on or before the admissions deadlines posted below. You are welcome to apply for admission as early as you would like and we will keep your application on file until we begin reviewing applications for the term you have indicated.

PS @ Madrid Fall Semester Applicants

Apply By:

Notification By:

Confirm Before:

February 15

March 5

March 15

March 15*

April 2

April 16

After March 15*

April 16 (2-4 weeks from date of submission)

As space remains available