Manion Kuhn
B.A. '19, M.A. Candidate

Manion produces academic writing and performative documentation. Her work engages and exploits the material components of cultural mythologies and imperatives that regulate bodies. She uses performance as research to probe intimacies in durational and often nonconsensual engagements with digitality, nations and notions of wellness, and logistics and infrastructure. Her performance work has been featured in The Wrong digital art biennale, NYU Gallatin Arts Festival, ITINERANT Performance Art Festival, the Nerman Museum of Art, and La Esquina Gallery. Manion’s writing has been included in Interim: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics, and she has presented her research at NYU Steinhardt’s Educational Theatre Forum: Performance as Activism. In May 2019, she co-curated a group show at NYU’s Gallatin Galleries, you feel me??? thinking through affect, impulse and sensation, with Grace Rogers.
Why PS @ NYU?
I chose the Performance Studies M.A. because I knew it would give me the most agency in my work, in navigating alternative terrain, in how I can choose to question, and in how I can collaborate and conspire with others.