Chaski Sol

B.A. '20

Chaski Sol

Maneuvering absence, blur, and rupture, solYchaski operate in a tradition of loss and disappearance, engaging with sensory & digital ecologies, dysrhythmia, and discontinuity.

Title of Capstone Project


Description of Capstone Project

“The plentitude of history is only possible in the space, both empty and peopled at the same time, at all the words without language that appear to anyone who lends an ear, as a dull sound beneath history, the obstinate murmur of language talking to itself-without any speaking subject and without interlocutor, wrapped up in itself, with a lump in its throat, collapsing before it ever reaches any formulation and returning without fuss to the silence it never shook off.
That is not yet madness, but the first Cesura from which the divisions of madness became possible"


New York University

Chaski holds a Dual Major in Film and TV & Performance Studies

Sol holds a Bachelor of Arts in Performance Studies with a Minor in Art & Public Policy

New York, New York