Date: 11/28/18
NYU Book Store
Manoshi Chitra Neogy, Author Reading, 6 pm
A book reading by the Chitra and then the screening of the Vignette.

The audiobook of Professor Chitra Neogy’s Blood Words A Warrior’s Walk will be launched at NYU bookstore on the evening of November 28, 2018. The award-winning vignette of Blood Words - a “preview” proceeding the feature film based on the book - will also be premiered at the event.
Blood Words A Warrior’s Walk is an epic work of fiction, following the startling journey of a young Indian woman Mrinalini, who leaves behind her affluent yet entrapping background in pursuit of her calling and Numinosity in New York City. She is complex and simple and is ready to live, love and learn at every moment. She is the lives and cries of two souls in one - one bound in social structures and set moulds, and the other following her inner guide and her intuitive eye.

Her astonishing beauty and openness attracts both magical encounters and the shadows of human heart – greed, manipulation, betrayal, abandonment, and so on. But the warrior’s walk is never compromised, and sacrifices are called for to maintain the purity of her vision. Though at times in moments of despair, anguish and pain when part of her looks back and longs to return to safety and warmth of her own culture, like a magnificent bird of flight she rises from the ashes of herself and conquers all nostalgia and sentimentality.
“I had never known of the savage beauty that was encountered in its pages. This is a haunting story of a woman who belongs to herself, physically and emotionally, sexually and spiritually, a woman who welcomes outsiders to find her inside.... I am just not that brave but was happy to meet someone who is....” –– Dr. Sheril D. Antonio