The NYU Tisch School of the Arts 2023 *This Is Not A Drill* Student Fellows cohort features ITP students Briana Jones & Lily Yu and Mary Mark & Dror Margalit.
Briana Jones is a master's student at NYU Tisch's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), specializing in the intersection of immersive technologies and product design, and Lily Peixuan Yu is a creative technologist, digital media artist, and designer based in New York. Their project "Thwaites Glacier Project: Stopping the Doomsday Glacier" is based on the British Antarctic Survey on the retreat of the Thwaites Glacier and visualizes the data representing the melting of the glacier and its corresponding consequences. Learn more about their project here.
Mary Mark, Ph.D., is an emerging new media artist who experiments with movement and technology to tell stories in virtual and physical spaces. Dror Margalit is an interactive media creator and a graduate student in the Interactive Telecommunication Program (ITP) at NYU Tisch. Their project "Reflecting Forward" is an interactive video installation in which viewers are invited to reflect on the possible future climates and their role in making them. The installation will explore the concept of "Shared Socioeconomic Pathways". Learn more about their project here.