Kate Hartman, ITP Alumna, has released the second edition of "Make: Wearable Electronics"

Monday, Feb 24, 2025

The ITP Deparment celebrated the launch of Kate Hartman’s book, Make: Wearable Electronics, Second Edition! Kate Hartman is an ITP alum and the director of ITP Camp.

Excerpt from the newest edition:


Welcome to the amazing world of wearable electronics, where tech and fashion combine to explore art, style, utility, and new forms of human interaction. Social Body Lab Founding Director and OCAD University Associate Professor Kate Hartman teaches the concepts and techniques behind wearables electronics, from choosing the right materials for a project to explaining how components can be combined to create dynamic costumes and couture.

This updated edition of Make: Wearable Electronics is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to dive right in, including how to:

  • Set up an ideal workspace with key supplies
  • Build basic and advanced electronic circuits
  • Construct projects with conductive thread and conductive fabric
  • Work with LilyPad, Flora, and other e-textile toolkits
  • Integrate sensors to respond to the world around you
  • Express yourself through colorful LEDs, fiber optics, buzzers, speakers, and servos
  • Design, prototype, and test your original creations. . . and more!


Buy Kate's book here

Author Kate Hartman

Kate Hartman

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book launch