ITP Hosts Exhibit in Tribeca

Monday, Sep 9, 2019

TV with light projection


New York Art Center and Townley Gallery are pleased to present the New York premiere of ITP Alum Eric Forman's Light Panel series "Scale/Scape." An investigation into the thresholds of human perception, this series presents images from three scales: planetary, microscopic, and telescopic. Each image is both abstract and representational, and the scale of each is ambiguous. Apparent undulations could be molecular surfaces, or folds of fabric, or mountain ranges. This indeterminacy refers to textures and patterns found in nature, which occur across vastly different sizes and materials.

The image is formed by thousands of tiny holes with different sizes in an homage to the history of halftone printing techniques. Here, rather than black ink on white paper, light shines through opaque wood. The images are translated with custom software into dot patterns and then laser-cut. The viewer’s own human visual system does the rest, interpreting the topography of holes as shadows, depth, and three dimensionality. Paradoxically it is only when blurred that they become recognizable.

August 2019

Townley Gallery
7 Franklin Place
New York, NY