Mike Rosenthal
Class of 2009

Hometown: Durham, North Carolina
What was your favorite class while at ITP?
It’s a toss up between Nancy Hechinger’s Cabinets of Wonder and Clay Shirky’s Social Facts. In both cases because they are incredible thinkers and facilitated some of the most interesting in-class discussions i had in my two years. I still think about things I learned from them on an almost daily basis.
What are you working on now and where?
I’m based in Brooklyn and I work with the rock band (or viral video production company, depending on how you see things) OK Go. I oversee their digital strategy, handle brand partnerships, and occasionally run their record label.
What advice would you give a current ITPer?
Spend as much time as you can on the floor. I didn’t, and sometimes I regret it. Or, maybe the larger point is, develop as many relationships with other ITP’ers as you can. They are far and away the most valuable thing you will take away from your time there.
If you could learn a new “thing” (language, place, person) right now, what would it be?
If I could do so with no effort exerted on my part, i’d like to learn Russian.