Lina Maria Giraldo
Class of 2010

Lina Maria Giraldo graduated from ITP in 2010. She grew up in Bogota, Colombia and now lives in Boston. We asked her four questions about her time on the fourth floor, where she’s working now, what advice she can offer a current ITPer, and finally, what new “thing” she’d like to learn.
What was your favorite class while at ITP?
I have more than one class that I believe shaped my work, my risk taking and opened my vision of the world. I would definitely start with “Big Screens”. It was so intimidating at the beginning. I remember having total stage fright every time we had to present my work for review. This class really put me out of my comfort zone.
It showed me how much I can accomplish in a short period of time. Thanks to Dan Shiffman’s guidance, Big Screens was a perfect sandbox to complement my composite video and play with my photography, coding and sound skills. This class certainly shaped the work I’m doing as an interactive media artist now.
“Solar Design for Development” and “Designing the Future of TV” are the other two classes I wanted to mention while I was at ITP. I didn’t see the importance of these two classes until after a couple of year after graduating. I realized that these two classes shaped my thinking process. Every time I start a new a project, I feel like I go back to the core of these classes in their design process, concept development, storyboarding and most important social conscience.
What are you working on now and where?
I’m an Interactive Media Designer and Artist. In the last few moths I’ve been showing my work in different venues. Recently I was part of a great exhibition of Latino Artist in New England at The Fitchburg Art Museum. I was selected thought the Boston Mayor’s Office for the Fenway 30 seconds Cinema to create content for a public digital screen in Fenway Park and I’ve been producing content for the Art on the Marquee sign at Massachusetts Convention Center. As a side project I’m working on HUB Farm, an interactive documentary of Urban Farming in Boston.
What advice would you give a current ITPer?
Have fun, play, fail and document. Enjoy every second of ITP. Don’t be afraid and experiment. Last but not least, be kind with your classmates.
If you could learn a new “thing” (language, place, person) right now, what would it be?
WOW this is a tough question, so many things… Rock Climbing!
“Extinction,” 80’ 2014 Art on the Art on the Marquee at Boston Convention & Exhibition Center Video, Data and Computer Generated Animation