Al Dente
Directed by Nathan Rodriguez
Length: 18:40
Producers: Peter Mancuso, Aidan Petershack, Marie Fucile
Editor: Nathan Rodriguez
Cinematographer: Daniel Muller
Sound Designer: Zack Field
For half his life, Giorgio has been barred from visiting his Grandparents' home for Christmas. When his Nonno falls ill, his stubborn father, Vincent, finally relents and Giorgio realizes his childhood view of family is a facade -- reality is engulfed in grudges and pent-up aggression. Dodging from room to room, he must decide if the risk of pulling everyone together is worth potentially spending another Christmas alone.

Nathan Rodriguez is a graduate of NYU Tisch Film and TV. After cultivating midwestern hospitality in his hometown of Grand Rapids, MI, he's spent the past five years directing, shooting, and fixing it in post on projects from feature films, musical world tours, to ad campaigns. When he isn't getting berated for watching too much reality tv, Nathan spends a copious amount of time cooking and researching interior design choices.