


Directed by Sam Blumenfeld 

Type of Project: Comedy
Length: 12:00
Producers: Sam Blumenfeld, William Kenton, Cullen McMillian
Editor: Steven Raia
Cinematographer: Stefan Nachmann
Sound Design: Pete Christmann 

Eric and Reese want to be millionaire, or even BILLIONAIRE entrepreneurs. With their sneaker cleat invention, the Sneat, they might finally get their shot.

Sam Blumenfeld
Sam Blumenfeld


Sam is a producer, writer, actor, and director for a sketch comedy group Lisa as well as the Head of Comedy Development at Maven Pictures. Originally from the bio-depraved Boston Mass, Sam is thrilled to be writing about himself here. After graduating from NYU's Tisch Film school with really good grades, Sam got a job in the indie film world and started taking Lisa more seriously. That meant more movies, more live shows, more people, and way more fun and smiles. After getting a monthly live show off the ground with a sold out record, and committing to film production routine, Sam enthusiastically coined the phrase, "If you build it, they will come." Now, the Lisa gang works hard to live by that mantra every day.