Let My Grandpa Into Heaven

Let My Grandpa Into Heaven

Let My Grandpa Into Heaven

Directed by Lana Bolycheva

Length: 8:45
Producer: Josefina Garcia
Editor: Lana Bolycheva
Cinematographer: Derrick Woodyard
Sound Designers: Paul J Wyderka

Synopsis: On the day of grandfather’s funeral, 6-year-old Lucas hears his father Patrick in a fit of anger says that the deceased grandpa should be burning in hell. Lucas decides to do everything to help his grandfather avoid hell. By the advice of the priesе Lucas is trying to engage his father into grandpa's soul rescuing but his father refuses. Their conflict leads to the accident. Lucas faints and gets the opportunity to visit his grandfather who is stuck in space for unforgiven parents souls. Their Lucas acquires a new vampire friend who is happy to help the boy.

Lana Bolycheva
Lana Bolycheva


Lana is a writer/director currently based in NYC.

Lana was born in USSR three years after her birth, the country ceased to exist. Growing up during restructuring and reforming of the country Lana in early age was attracted by theater, where she could hide in the imaginary world. That pushed her to take her first BA degree in The Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS) as an Actress. After working for several years in Theater and TV shows she turns to the documentary film production and earns BA degree In The Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), as a film director.

Her film Kis was screened in Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, France and took special Jury awards in Etiuda&Anima International Film Festival, Poland, and Best cinematography award in Vancouver Women in Film Festival, Canada.

Lana is currently an MFA candidate at New York University Tisch School of the Arts, Kanbar Institute of Film and Television Graduate Film