The Shrinking Sky

Film Still - The Shrinking Sky

Film Still - The Shrinking Sky

Directed by Hannah Silverman

Type of Project: Environmental
Length: 14:12 minutes
Producers: Heather Vaxer, Miko Reyes
Editor: Hannah Silverman
Cinematographer: Briana Man

In the near future, Earth's atmosphere is rapidly shrinking due to CO2 emissions, and the planet will soon be uninhabitable. 10-year-old Henry spends his days caring for his grief-stricken mother, but when he meets Alana, his nature-loving neighbor, he gains a new appreciation for the planet.

Hannah Silverman
Hannah Silverman


Hannah Silverman is writer and filmmaker, originally from Philadelphia. A recent graduate of NYU's Film & TV program, Hannah currently works as the Assistant to the Literary Scout at Pragmatic Pictures, a book-to-film consultancy in NYC. Hannah has written and directed several short films, and she is also active in the NYC literary community.