Bai Bai

Film still - Bai Bai

Film still - Bai Bai

Directed by Andrew Heitzman

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 20:00 minutes
Producers: Alvin Lee, Brent Lee
Editor: Sylvan Gu
Cinematographer: Alex Lu

This is the story of Chih-Wei, a kid who wants nothing more than to go to University, but whose father forced him to go into the Navy. After 4 years away from home, he discovers his father has died. Now, he must choose to either make amends with the memory of his father, or turn away from his family forever.

Andrew Heitzman
Andrew Heitzman


Andrew Heitzman was born and raised just outside of Chicago, but, through his friendship with Producer Alvin Lee, he discovered a hidden kinship with the island of Taiwan.

Andrew graduated from NYU with a minor in history and a focus in East Asian Studies, And has become a student of Taiwanese political history.

Despite all of that, he credits Bruce Springsteen with helping him crack the story of Bai Bai. Andrew believes very strongly in the universality if daddy issues.