American Soil

Film still - American Soil

Film still - American Soil

Directed by Alejandro Miyashiro

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 19:43 minutes
Producer: Maria Altamirano
Editor: Gavin Filipiak
Cinematographer: Laura Valladao

Luke, a submissive teenager unwillingly falls into his father and brother's pressure to patrol the U.S. / Mexico border hounding for undocumented immigrants. Unknown to his father and brother, Luke is in love with a Mexican girl in his small town.

Alejandro Miyashiro
Alejandro Miyashiro


Alejandro Miyashiro is a director know for his two latest shorts, "Besos de Azucar" and "Corazon Dormido." Corazon Dormido deals with immigration issues and placing faces to policy, which tells the story of a deported father and son reuniting on separate sides of the Tijuana-United States border. He is also known for his Cinematography work on the short, Palm Trees and Powerlines, which premiered at the Festival de Cannes, and his work on the music video, "Young Gods" by Prayers featuring Travis Barker; which was digitally distributed through Vice's Noisey. Alejandro is a Wasserman Scholar and recipient of The Fusion and The National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts Scholarship Award. Alejandro is currently pursuing a MFA at New York University in Film Directing and Cinematography.