The Bugs and the Slugs

The Bugs and The Slugs

The Bugs and The Slugs

Directed by Greyson Horst

Type of Project: Fantasy
Length: 15:35
Producers: Ashley Chan, Lucy Smith-Williams
Editor: Greyson Horst
Cinematographer: Luke Peterson
Sound Designer: Matthew Lai

An orphaned boy tries to fit in as he navigates puberty — on an alien planet. When his forbidden romance with a troll is discovered, he must earn his place in the village or he will be roasted alive.

Greyson Horst
Greyson Horst


Greyson Horst is a genre filmmaker from Sacramento, CA, with a passion for Sci-Fi and Fantasy. His films explore futuristic and alien worlds as a method of dissecting our human experiences here on Earth. Greyson currently works as a freelance editor in Brooklyn — but he hopes to visit Mars some time soon.