Tisch Drama Celebrates 50 Years

Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024

Tisch Drama is marking its 50th Anniversary! To celebrate five decades of creativity and innovation, the department has programed special events, receptions, panel discussions, an installation, and more!

Among other actitivies, check out “Celebrating Fifty Years of Tisch Drama,” a month-long installation looking back at the department’s rich legacy. During November 2024 the showcase windows of the Tisch School’s 721 Broadway lobby will be filled with memorabilia – from production posters and photos to faculty books and a digital loop of snapshots capturing studio life, department happenings, and treasured colleagues and alumni – stop by to reminisce and celebrate our Tisch Drama Community.

You can find details and additional information about all of the year’s happenings on the Tisch Drama Anniversary website

Join us to celebrate, reconnect with dear old friends, and dream about the future.