Stonestreet Film/TV I
The Stonestreet Screen Acting Conservatory offers students a professional independent film and television studio environment in which to continue and broaden training while embracing the art of screen acting and directing and putting their skills to work in a professional environment bridging the educational world to the industry via strengthening screen auditions, knowledge of, and exposure to the professional world. Students are taught the necessary skills to be a working screen artist - from screen auditions to creating and producing their own films, series, and pilots, and most importantly, how to find their own process for screen that makes their work, voice, and characters fresh, unique, personal and riveting.
Students build on their previous primary training with a focus on the demands of screen acting through practice and a variety of teachers, directors, material, formats, and technology. All student work is recorded, teaching actors what moments matter, what is useable, and how and where they can take risks in their work.
Students also learn about their screen work through the editing process by seeing their work edited and by learning to edit their own work as well. In addition, Stonestreet's guest showcases and audition classes allow students to become practiced, professional auditioners while making industry contacts with agents and casting directors on a weekly basis for the second half of the semester. Students who return for Stonestreet II start at production level and finish with Pilots, Festival Shorts, Features and Series and professionally shot work for actor reels.