Ben Turkus, Summer 2013

Wednesday, Sep 18, 2013

Ben Turkus, Genocide Archive of Rwanda, Summer 2013

I spent my summer working in the Genocide Archive of Rwanda, established in 2004 with the mandate to collect, preserve, and provide access to all forms of documentation and information related to the 1994 Genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi. More than just a repository of video recordings, sound recordings, photographs, and documents, the GAR plays a active role in Rwanda's wider efforts to teach future generations about genocide, facilitate in-depth genocide-related research, and encourage the world to engage with genocide awareness and prevention.

I helped the GAR develop strategies and goals for the future, and I performed collections assessments at a number of partner institutions. Those who fight against genocide face myriad challenges that are hard to surmount. If I learned anything, it was that one of our driving goals must be to partner with others, expanding our reach in new, previously unforeseen ways.

Ben Turkus at the Genocide Archive of Rwanda

Ben Turkus at the Genocide Archive of Rwanda

Ben Turkus at the Genocide Archive of Rwanda

Ben Turkus at the Genocide Archive of Rwanda