Lindsay Miller, Spring 2021

Wednesday, Jun 16, 2021

Lindsay Miller, R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn Archives, Spring 2021, RML

For my Spring 2021 internship, I was paired with the R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn Archives. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I completed all of my work remotely from my apartment in Jersey City. My main task was to create and refine an inventory of the archive's audiovisual materials, which I did by viewing photos of the items that were uploaded to Google Drive by my supervisor. I also designed an item identification system and wrote up a brief collection assessment that establishes some priorities for the collection and outlines that appropriate next steps.

Lindsay Miller interned at R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn Archives in Spring 2021.

Lindsay Miller interned at R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn Archives in Spring 2021.

Lindsay Miller interned at R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn Archives in Spring 2021.

Lindsay Miller interned at R.C. Diocese of Brooklyn Archives in Spring 2021.