Luke Moses, Fall 2015

Wednesday, Jan 20, 2016

Luke Moses, NYU Bobst Library, Fall 2015, Mellon

In the fall semester of 2015 I interned at Digital Library Technology Services in the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at NYU. Digital Library Technology Services (DLTS) processes, preserves, and provides access to digital materials from NYU and partner organizations. Under the supervision of Donald Mennerich, Digital Archivist at DLTS, I worked on a web archiving project using the Internet Archive’s Archive-It service. My work was a continuation of the “New York University Archive of Contemporary Composers' Websites” project, which began January 2015. The collection includes 172 active seeds, meaning 172 individual websites crawled (i.e., captured) and preserved using Archive-It, a subscription web archiving service offered by the Internet Archive. Archive-It includes a publicly accessible portal for researchers or interested parties to search for and render archived websites. The collection can be found here.

Luke Moses

Luke Moses

Luke Moses

Luke Moses