Pawarisa Nipawattanapong, Fall 2012

Wednesday, Dec 19, 2012

Pawarisa Nipawattanapong, New York Public Library, Fall 2012, IMLS

As an intern at the the Reserve Film and Video Collection at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts in Fall 2013, I had a great opportunity to learn many things about film preservation. My primary tasks consisted of suppressing the preserved film elements within the NYPL Millennium Circulation System and inspecting the donated films.

In addition, I cleaned and inspected many preserved films preparing them to be sent to present in film festivals and inspected again when they were returned. I have a chance to learn inspecting films by hand and using the RTI inspecting machine. This internship enhances my research and practical skills about film preservation. It is beneficial to my study and my work in the future.