From the Fishbowl to the Future

From the Fishbowl to the Future:
Revisiting the Spaces of Cinema Studies
Join us for a day of conversation as NYU Cinema Studies celebrates its 50th Anniversary by revisiting two spaces that have shaped the intellectual and collborative life of the department: the seminar room and the media lab.
Free and open to the public.
Brunch and Opening Remarks
10:00 am / Cinema Studies Lounge
Celebrating Annette Michelson
11:00 am / Michelson Theater
The seminar room is as important as the projection booth when it comes to seeing films. Annette Michelson ruled the seminar culture of Cinema Studies for decades. Some of her students will join us to talk about the intellectual world of the seminar in the department's approach to the moving image.
Moderated by Richard Allen. With Giuliana Bruno (PhD '90), Noël Carroll (PhD '76), Stuart Liebman (PhD '80), Bill Simon (PhD '73), and Malcolm Turvey (PhD '02).
Lunch Break
12:30 pm
Careers and Col-LAB-orations in Moving Image Archiving and Preservation
2:00 pm / Michelson Theater
The lab facilities of the department's Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP) Program will serve as a point of departure for this panel, as graduates discuss their journeys and collaborations in and beyond the MIAP lab.
Moderated by Becca Bender (MIAP '18). With Jonathan Farbowitz (MIAP '16), Rebecca Fraimow (MIAP '13), Kelly Haydon (MIAP '14), and Erica Titkemeyer (MIAP '13).
Cineaste Remembers Robert Sklar
3:30 pm / Cinema Studies Lounge
Remarks by Cynthia Lucia (PhD ’99), followed by a wine and cheese reception.
Richard Allen is Dean of the School of Creative Media, and Chair Professor of Film and Media Art at City University of Hong Kong.
Giuliana Bruno is Emmet Blakeney Gleason Professor of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University.
Noël Carroll is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at CUNY Graduate Center.
Jonathan Farbowitz is currently the Guggenheim Museum's Fellow in the Conservation of Computer-based Art.
Rebecca Fraimow is an Archivist for WGBH.
Kelly Haydon is an Audiovisual Archivist for NYU's Division of Libraries, Fales Library & Special Collections.
Stuart Liebman is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Media Studies at Queens College and Ph.D. Programs in Art History and Theatre at CUNY Graduate Center.
Bill Simon is Associate Professor in the Department of Cinema Studies at NYU.
Erica Titkemeyer is the Audiovisual Conservator for the University of North Carolina's special collections library, where she also serves as a Project Director of the Southern Folklife Collection.
Malcolm Turvey holds the Sol Gittleman Professorship in Film and Media Studies and is a professor in the department of Art and Art History at Tufts University.