2018 APP Alumni Asmaa Walton interviewed by Fine Books and Collections

Monday, Jan 9, 2023

asma photo in magazine black and white

Photo of Asmaa in Fine Books and Collections

2018 APP Alum Asmaa Walton, the founder of Black Art Library was interviewed by Fine Books and Collections. She writes: "Black Art Library was born out of the constant observations I made during my time earning my degrees and working in museums. I realized there was such a lack of resources available to learn about Black art. Many cultural institutions were and still are missing the mark when it comes to sharing histories around Black art and artists. I decided I wanted to do my part as an arts educator so I started my own collection of literary works by and about Black visual artists. My thought was that I could compile all of this information that can live in one place so people can find it much easier." 

Founded in February 2020, Black Art Library is a collection of books and other arts ephemera focused on Black visual art intended to be an educational resource to share within the Black community and beyond. Currently the project is being shared and exhibited in different spaces within and outside of Detroit. She is looking forward to launching an online shop named Used & Rare, where she will be selling preloved books and ephemera specializing in items highlighting Black Art.