Tisch Goes Hollywood

Gain insight into the entertainment industry from Hollywood professionals. 


How does an aspiring artist navigate the Hollywood entertainment industry? Through meetings with industry professionals in Film, Television, Music, Theatre, Dramatic Writing, Games and Interactive Media and Casting and visits to various locations, you will learn expectations, industry standards, and professional practices to apply when transitioning from student to a creative professional. 

Griffith Observatory with the Los Angeles skyline in the distance

"I gained the academic experience of a lifetime and invaluable exposure to the world of entertainment. I learned so much listening to the different speakers, who are esteemed professionals in the world of film, music, and television."  

— Lorraine Cambria, Tisch Goes Hollywood 2019


Tisch Goes Hollywood

IFMTV-UT 81 | 2 units | Instructor: Patti Pearson

This course provides an introductory framework for understanding the dynamics of entering the entertainment and media industry in Hollywood. Through meetings with industry professionals in Film, Television, Music, Theatre, Dramatic Writing, Games and Interactive Media, and Casting, you will learn expectations, industry standards, and professional practices to apply when transitioning from student to a creative professional. You will also understand the specific job functions that are required to effectively and efficiently complete productions. The course aims to build a body of knowledge and information through understanding the various roles and professions that cut across all the competencies required for the industry professional to effectively function as a key member and in most cases, the leader of the creative and business team, assembled to complete a project. 

Tisch Goes Hollywood counts towards the Minor in Producing and the Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology minor.

Program Dates

January 5 - 16, 2026

Check-In and Check-Out dates for 2026 are TBA.

Program dates are tentative and subject to change.


The January 2026 application will open on August 18, 2025. 
January 2026 Application Deadline: October 6, 2025

Eligibility: Open to full-time undergraduate NYU students.

Please read the following application requirements before starting your application. 

Note: Students should wait to receive their admissions notification and confirmation that the program is running prior to purchasing airline tickets. Students accepted to the program should purchase refundable airline tickets and/or travel insurance in the event the program is canceled or program dates are changed due to world events. It is strongly recommended that students purchase insurance for trip cancellation, flight cancellation, luggage loss or damage, as well as medical and accident coverage.


Expenses for January 2026 are TBA.

January 2025

  • Undergraduate tuition: $3,832
  • Program Fee: $1,069 (includes housing)
    • Housing will be double rooms in a hotel. Meals will not be provided for the program. 

Additional Fees:

Airfare: Students will be responsible for booking their own flights to and from Los Angeles.

Please review the Tisch Special Programs cancellation policy.

Visit the NYU Office of the Bursar for additional information on tuition and fees.


Students reside in double rooms in a hotel; single rooms are not available for this program. Students do not have access to a kitchen and meals will not be provided for the program.