Faculty on Faculty
Dive into our Faculty on Faculty series! See how the PS faculty engage with the writing of their collegues.
Barbara Browning on Alexandra Vazquez
Professor Barbara Browning extracted some haikus hidden in Professor Alexandra Vazquez's The Florida Room in order to attend to the lyricism of her writing - alongside the lyricism of one of the artists she addresses in the book: Dafnis Prieto.

FACulty on faculty - Fred Moten & Barbara Browning
Professor Fred Moten wrote this poem in response to Professor Barbara Browning's book, The Miniaturists. "It’s inspired by the book, and especially the chapter on the toy piano, and by the privilege of knowing Barbara for twenty-five years. I want to praise the loving and careful attention she shares as a teacher, mentor, mother, colleague, scholar, and artist. She is my role model," shared Fred.