Madi Rose Leigh

Madi Rose Leigh is a theatre-maker and performer from Georgia. Graduating from the University of Chichester, she has experience with traditional and experimental theatre, specifically taking an in interest in playwriting. Currently, Madi is going back to her roots, exploring the southern-gothic genre in the context of modern society, critiquing the relationship between American nationalism and Christianity. Previous works include: Chewed Up Cherry ( a solo performance) and The B Movie (An adaptation of 1950's horror movies)
Title of Project:
The Hymns are Stained with Red, White, and Blue
Project Description:
The Hymns are Stained with Red, White, and Blue is a collection of scenes from my play, Magnolia. Every American has the constitutional right to freedom of religion, meaning that the government cannot establish a singular religion while still allowing the free exercise of it; however, with the rise of Trumpism, politicians like Governer DeSantis have created policies such as the Individual Freedom Actor (or The Stop WOKE Act), which targets "woke indoctrination" and critical race theory. Also, according to the BBC, Texas has banned over 850 books, 97 of the first 100 books being written by ethnic minorities, women, and LGBT authors. The play hopes to explore themes of religious censorship and its consequences through the southern gothic, a genre which draws from the South's history of weaponizing Christianity to fit a political narrative that alienates and harms anyone that is considered "the other."
Project Inspiration:
Southern Gothic literature and American politics
Areas of Academic Interest/Research:
Theatre, Performance Art, Feminist Theory, Literature, Performance Studies