Kylie Rolincik

Kylie Rolincik is an improvisational comedian studying the art of “yes and” and humor as insurgent strategies. Kylie’s work focuses on the practice of improv comedy and performance techniques in institutionalized spaces, e.g. business offices, universities, museums, etc. to promote access to unregulated imagination and intuition.
Title of Project
A Business Proposal By A Cut-Throat Entrepreneur On The Brink Under End-Stage Capitalism
Description of Project
What would it mean to “yes and” capitalism as a strategic stylized ██████████ at the nexus of ████████ and generosity? This project offers an unorthodox theatrical and metaphysical ███████████, ███████ the grain of normative individuation under capitalism. It is structured as 1) a performative business proposal for a small, experience-based jewelry making enterprise and 2) a personal pitch to existent businesses to hire me to facilitate improv workshops for their companies' benefit. These strategic engagements tango with the double consciousness of how to simultaneously survive in the world and ███████ the world. Both protocols use improvisational performance techniques to access and exercise ███████████ imagination and intuition █████████ as business savvy in the spirit of Pine and Gilmore’s book The Experience Economy. While the project ███████ to move capitalism along, its core intent is to ███████ ███████ ██ █████ ███ ███████, using █████████ character-work. The internal ██████████ of this strategic protocol is used, throughout, as a generative force and modality of ████████.
Areas of Academic Interest
Improv, Clown, Tricksters, Violence, Work As Theater, Spirituality, Flubber