Juyoung Lee

Juyoung Lee

Juyoung thinks, writes, and dances.

Title of Project

Leaves Grow from My Body

Description of Project

The project is based on the performance that has three levels: first, the textual level, where I write and read the reimagined memories; second, the olfactory level, by which I create and share the smells of these memories; and third, the visual level in the video that has recorded the process of the restoration of the smells. Through reconstructing and sharing a set of new memories, both textual and olfactory, I recognize vegetal metamorphosis as a mode of living, of communal remembering, and of (organic) community building. I understand this metamorphosis to be transpiring at the moment when plant-ization of animal organs coincides with plants’ animalistic devouring—the moment where festering bodies, abandoned and marginalized in history, willingly embrace an absorption into a vegetal network of memories.

Areas of Academic Interest

Dance studies, Trauma and memory, Body, History, Queer and Feminist Theory