Megan Man

Megan Man is a senior in Performance Studies with an interest in the ways media and representation interact with identity formation. Megan is a writer, music lover, and content creator.
Title of Capstone Project
Chaos Embodied / She is Vibration
Description of Capstone Project
Chaos EmBodied / She Is Vibration: A Poetry Anthology is a project dedicated to exploring the performative nature of identity and how our everyday rituals affect and interact with each other. As someone who has taken a vast amount of interest in the performance of everyday life, my goal is to explore and encapsulate how our bodies negotiate space, identity, and culture. Poetry is a means of embodying motion and variation on paper. Much like how every person determines their hair, walk, or vocal cadence, each space, period, and line within a poem break is meant to represent a small part of the whole. This essay is going to explain my experience writing this anthology and the way different Performance Studies texts informed my poetry, its form, and in turn, myself.