PS Professor Ann Pellegrini Book, Gender Without Identity, Mentioned in the New York Times

Monday, Dec 4, 2023

Image of Book Cover

Gender Without Identity by Avgi Saketopoulou and Ann Pellegrini

Professor Ann Pellegrini and Avgi Saketopoulou book, Gender Without Identity, has been mentioned in an incredibly thoughtful essay in the New York Times opinion pages. The essay was the cover story in the print edition of the Sunday Opinion this past weekend.

The piece delves into the way discourses of regret are used against trans children to justify blocking their access to transition related care. Beyond that, it explores the intriguing concept that a life without regret might mean missing out on the full richness of life experiences.

We are thrilled to see Gender Without Identity highlighted in the essay, with two impactful quotes from author Avgi adding depth to the author's key points.  Take a moment to read the essay and share in this proud moment with the PS community!