Performance Studies assistant professor Malik Gaines will present "A History of Impossible Progress" as part of the e-flux lecture series.
In a lecture drawn from the concluding section of his book Black Performance on the Outskirts of the Left (2017), Malik Gaines traces a legacy of radical performance tactics, rooted in the movements and aesthetics of the 1960s, as it figures in contemporary works featured in the 2015 Venice Biennial. Ambivalence reorients the imagined efficacies of transnational revolutionary projects into a set of possibilities that continue to circulate. In the context of an international art exhibition, this black political energy exceeds the visual order. Works by Emeka Ogboh, Isaac Julien, Julius Eastman, Glenn Ligon, and Alicia Hall Moran and Jason Moran will be discussed.
WHEN: Wednesday, December 6th, 2017 | 7:00pm
WHERE: e-flux, 311 E Broadway, New York, NY 10002