Henry Luce Foundation awards three year grant to Hemispheric Institute

Monday, Jun 27, 2016

Photo Credit: Moyses Zúniga

Photo Credit: Moyses Zúniga

The Henry Luce Foundation awarded $700,000 over three years to the Hemispheric Institute to pursue the following project:

Ecologies of Migrant Care: Religious Actors and Civil Society in the Face of Humanitarian Crisis will research and participate in the ‘ecologies of care’ that have emerged in Central America, Mexico, and the United States in response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis of Central American migrants on their northward journey through Mexico towards the United States.  Building on the networks and collaborators that the Hemispheric Institute has established, as well as on on our previous work on the issues of migration and religion in the Americas (see Chiapas2015.tome.press), the initiative will consolidate and strengthen a region-wide network of scholars, migrant shelters, churches, civil society organizations, activists, and media professionals from Central America, Mexico, and the United States; promote and disseminate scholarly research on the response of religious actors to this humanitarian crisis and the broader migratory formation; develop analytic frameworks suited to the study of migrants in transit across the region and beyond; bring greater national and international visibility to the humanitarian crisis of Central American migrants crossing Mexico en route to the United States, as well as the conditions they face once they arrive; and create and disseminate bilingual resources for scholars, media and advocacy organizations, and policy practitioners.