Life After PS - Research and Arts Organizations | March 5th
When:Wednesday, March 5th, 10:30AM - 12:PM
Where: NYU Zoom - RSVP HERE
Who: Karen Shimakawa & PS Alum Joshua Lubin-Levy
What: Joshua Lubin-Levy is the Director of the Center for the Arts at Wesleyan University and the Editor-in-Chief of the Movement Research Performance Journal. He received his doctorate from the Department of Performance Studies, New York University (2020). He recently served as Curatorial Researcher Associate on the exhibition “Edges of Ailey” for the Whitney Museum. He previously held positions as Associate Director of the Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance, Senior Joan Tisch Teaching Fellow at the Whitney Museum of American Art, and Interim Director of Visual Arts at Abrons Arts Center, as well as teaching at multiple universities.
His workshop will provide an open forum for discussing career paths in the arts, pivoting in and out of academia, and the importance of knowing your “transferrable skills.” This workshop is an open forum for students to ask questions, bring ideas, and work through application materials. Students are encouraged to bring in working drafts of their CVs and Cover Letters for discussion.