Melissa McDonald
B.A. '19

Melissa is a multidisciplinary artist interested in the performance of recorded music, singing, visual art, theater, dance, makeup, skin care and technology. Her work entails: producing live music events, mixed media projects, songs, poetry, VR installations, painting, drawing, and this year: sculpting.
She manages as a sales rep for Fusion Brands CBD and Rise Kombucha, additionally working with America Reads as a tutor.
All in all, Melissa sees herself as creator between world utilizing her work to address the subconscious and conscious traces we leave behind in our decision-making. She often refers to intuition as the infinite source of her practice.
Why PS @ NYU?
I chose Performance Studies because I recognized that if I could understand what the point to creating theater/art in general was, then I no longer would have existential crises about why I was creating in the first place. Performance Studies has given me the academic recognition of the importance of practice & it's social, cultural, economic, political value in society. Performance Studies informed my subjective relationship to the world, allowing me to understand the myriad of ways in which I can exist through a variety of expressions. I chose the program because not only was I interested in how we perform on stage or on the canvas, but how those performances could translate to my day to day life.