Tianni (Viola) Bao
M.A. '17

Viola is a Chinese writer, vocalist and a visual artist who is currently an M.A candidate in Performance Studies at University. She received her B.A degree in Journalism & Media Studies from Saint Louis University in 2015. Her fierce passion for musical theatre, film and psychology has aspired her to further use both practical and theoretical performances to interpret selfness, solve issues about intercultural and inter-lingual communication.
She has performed at Jilin University and been awarded the ‘’Top Ten Singer.” She has assisted with several production and education projects including the Cine Kids with Film Society at Lincoln Center, New York City and the live broadcasting for the Sochi Olympics. She has also studied acting in Changchun Film Studio Group Corporation in China, vocal at Saint Louis University and business at Jilin University. She is currently a band vocalist at The Journey Church NYC. Her published work includes news for college newspapers, commercial video and screenplay.