James R Ball III
M.A. 07, Ph.D. '12

Jim is the Associate Dean for Industry and Community Engagement and Associate Professor of Performance Studies in Texas A&M University’s School of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts. He studies the performance of diplomacy, the politics of spectatorship, and immersive aesthetics. His books include Theatre of State: a Dramaturgy of the United Nations (Northwestern University Press, 2020) and Performing Statecraft: the Postdiplomatic Theatre of Sovereigns, Citizens, and States (Methuen Drama, 2023). His work has also been published in TDR: The Drama Review, The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Brecht Yearbook, and e-misférica.
Current Ocupation:
Associate Professor of Performance Studies, Texas A&M University